UPDATE: Hello Ladies! Great to see everyone Friday night. We missed those of you who couldn't make it.
I signed up for April 16th - but unfortunately this date will not work for me. My brother bought Charlie and me tickets to fly to Boston for Spring Break. (Same Week)
If someone would like to take my date. It is yours.
If you would like to swap dates with me - that works too. (At our last meeting we said we were going to try not to change dates because it then becomes a scheduling nightmare.)
I just finished reading the book I chose - Still Alice. I really enjoyed it and hope you will too. Although it is about Alzheimer's - it is more about life and living and well, I don't want to say too much but I think you will be suprised.
So - if you'd either like to take my date - or switch dates with me...email me.
Thanks guys, --Laurel
p.s. Sorry if I sound like I am repeating myself - I teach teenagers AND have a 5 year old - I repeat myself OFTEN. ugh.