Saturday, November 14, 2009

Christmas Gathering - List

Hi All - I said I would post a list for December's gathering. Here's what we have so far. Add post saying what you plan to bring.

December 4th at JC and Greg's new condo.

Amy Rossi Gall - Dips
Cherie Monarch - Cheese Tray
Laurel Perry - Turkey Taco Salad

Sunday, November 1, 2009

And the title is...

It's a little hazy whether we picked a new book or not - we also tossed around the Christmas Party/No Book idea, as well as, the skip December all together idea. But for a good few minutes there it seemed as though we all decided on The Shack.

Today I headed to Borders and bought it. Presently I am reading The Book Thief. Just finished She's Come Undone. And a bit before that South of Broad. It seems I read books in clumps - the themes seem to clump and logically lead to the next book although they are all rather random choices - which sort of astounds me - but they were all purchased for one reason or another than set aside (She's Come Undone) or devoured right away (South of Broad). Either way I am reading voraciously - think I am prewriting. Got a good idea stewing...

But back to the book:

The Shack or no Shack?